Serving Size of Flaxseed
by Desiree
How much flaxseed is a serving?
What is a serving size of flaxseed?
How many servings of flax a day should a child or adult take?
A serving size of flax seed will be different for adults and children.
We recommend starting with a smaller amount for both children and adults and working up to specific goals.
You can read our Guidelines and Recommendations of
how much flaxseed for children and adults.
Flaxseed is a food and you can spread your goal amount over the entire days and eat it in many different ways. We encourage you and your children to find your favorite ways (try a few and find your favorites) of
how to eat flax seed.
Most importantly, flax should be eaten as part of a balanced diet. It is a wonderful way to get the needed fiber, Omega 3, protein, and anti-inflammatory lignans into your and your children's diets.
Blessings on your -and your children's- health!
~EllieReturn to Home page from
Serving Size of Flaxseed.