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Flaxseed Banana Bread

Flaxseed Banana Bread, flax banana bread, banana bread with flax, flax seed banana breadWho doesn't love freshly baked, moist, delicious Flaxseed Banana Bread?! Flax banana bread makes it that much more healthy and our family loves banana bread even more with flax!

This Banana bread is high in Fiber and Omega 3, and it can be a healthy breakfast or a yummy snack!Flaxseed Banana Bread, flax banana bread, banana bread with flax, flax seed banana bread

In a mixing bowl, combine:
1 -1/2 cup flour
1/2 c Flakes o' Gold or Ground Premium Gold Flaxseed
1/2 tsp salt

Mix separately and Add:
1teaspoon baking powderFlaxseed Banana Bread, flax banana bread, banana bread with flax, flax seed banana bread
1 teaspoon baking soda

Cream Together:
1 cup sugar (3/4 cup if you prefer less sweet)
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

Flaxseed Banana Bread, flax banana bread, banana bread with flax, flax seed banana breadBeat into creamed mixture:
2 eggs

3 very ripe mashed bananas

1/4 cup walnuts (optional)
1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional) Flaxseed Banana Bread, flax banana bread, banana bread with flax, flax seed banana bread
or 1/2 cup craisins (optional)

Bake at 300* Bake for 50-60mins -when inserting a knife or toothpick in the center comes out clean.
You can bake in muffin pans (shorter baking time ~20 mins), in any type of ceramic/glass pans, and in bread pans -be creative!

Click here for the Gourmet Flax seed to make Flaxseed Banana Bread!

Flaxseed Banana Bread, flax banana bread, banana bread with flax, flax seed banana bread
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"Even at the full price the Cold Milled Flax is still cheaper than Metamucil or other fiber supplements that run about $12 for only 15 ounces! That's a great deal!"

"Ellie, Thanks for your email. Just a short testament: Have been trying for years to get my cholesterol numbers to be on the healthy side. Got your flax at the farmers market this past summer and took your advice on consuming it. Had a blood test 2 weeks ago and my Cholesterol number is at 181, down from 262. Healthy eating and exercise: definitely the way to go. Thanks again."
-- Peter W.

"I have several health problems: Type 2 Diabetes + Constipation being my top complaints. When I was introduced to Golden Flax seed, I was drinking fiber daily + lived on Senna. I no longer have to buy Senna or fiber."

"My hot flashes were so bad and I had up to 3 or 4 times in the night. My sleep was interrupted, not to mention the embarrassment of breaking out in a sweat and a red face during conversations.... Oh boy, I have not had a hot flash for about 3 weeks."

"The best thing that happened is that it has really helped stabilize my blood sugar. When blood sugar is stable without a lot of peaks + valleys, it's easier to lose weight + I'm game for that."
-- Thanks, Sherrie

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