


April 2012

In This Edition

Flax seed, Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread


  • April Flax seed Savings
  • Feature of the Month:
    • The Skinny on Ground Flax seed -Your Questions Answered? 
  • Flax Recipe:
    • Flax Banana Bread Recipe
  • Come see us at a Farmer's Market...

A Note from Ellie

April Showers are here...  Farmer's Markets will be here soon!

How has your spring been? 

Many of us are enjoying a very unexpected, warm spring! feels like Summer sometimes!~  I just hope that the farmer's won't suffer for the strange weather.  ...I am REALLY looking forward to the wonderful local fruit and veggies of the Farmer's Markets!

I'm very happy that tax season is over...  I'm sure we all are!  This will be a busy summer for me as my son will be getting married in California at the end of July!  We are excited :). 

What plans do you have this summer?  I love to hear from my customers and you can chat with us on facebook as well!

Flax seed, Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread

Feature This Month: *The Skinny on Ground Flax seed ...when you want answers!

Wondering more about ground flax seed... the types, benefits, ground flax vs flax meal, etc? 

This article gives you all the info in one place!

There is tons of info out there... I believe that it is important to do research and learn as much as we can, while maintaining a balanced view of extremes!
My personal philosophy is to eat food as close as possible to it's source... this is the primary influence in my writing and perspectives.  I hope learning more about ground flax will help you eat and live healthier!

Scroll down to the Feature article this Month:  The Skinny on Ground Flax seed ... when you want answers!

Feature Recipe: Flax Banana Bread Recipe

Who doesn't love freshly baked, moist, delicious Flaxseed Banana Bread?! This Banana bread is high in Fiber and Omega 3, and it can be a healthy breakfast or a yummy snack!  Check it out below...

Thank you for your support!  Eat Healthy to Live healthy!

Blessings on you!

Ellie Recommends

~April Savings!~

Need to save some money?  Flax has incredible health benefits for impressive value... but we make it even better with a special discount for you, our reader!

Get 20% off a purchase of $70 or more!
 When ordering, use Code: RAINDROPS (uppercase)

Get $5 off a purchase of $35 or more!

 When ordering, use Code: SPRINGBLOOM (uppercase)

Share with family + friends!  ... don't forget about your pet -they need flax too!

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy, Save Money and feel better!

Our website has Secure Online Ordering- Questions? -just email or call me.

Coupons are good until May 31, 2012.

Success Story

"Relief from Fibromyalgia Pain + More Energy"

Flax seed, Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread

"Since I've been using the flax + flax hall lignans, I notice I have less pain.

I have fibromyalgia + I would have really bad pain on a daily basis.

I also notice I have more energy.
~Brenda S. MN

~Read other Flax seed Reviews + Flax seed Testimonials~

Come to a Farmer's Market or Show..

Flax seed, Flax news, Flax for the Heart, Flax granola bars

Farmers Markets + Other Shows:

  • Do you live in Downtown Minneapolis by the Guthrie? Come to the Mill City Farmers Market  March 12, 2012 and following Saturdays 8am-1pm. More info about Mill City Farmers Market (opens up in new window)
  • Maple Grove Farmers Indoor Market May 17 and outdoor Market will be starting soon on Thursdays 3-6pm. More info + directions (Opens up in new window).

Feature Article

The Skinny on Ground Flax Seedby Ellie Theobald

(When you want answers...)

Flax seed, Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread

Do you ever wonder:
1. Why Ground Flaxseed?
2. What are the Types of Ground Flax?
3. What is better: Ground Flax vs Flax Meal?
4. What Kind of Flax should I buy?

If you are confused between flaxseed meal, ground flaxseeds (sometimes found refrigerated, sometimes not), milled flaxseed, and even cold milled flaxseed... then read further.
1)  Why Ground Flaxseed?
Ground flax is actually the ideal way to eat flaxseed!

...This is because flax seeds are so small and it is very hard for the teeth to properly grind the seeds, which means the seed will usually pass right through you and you will be missing BIG health benefits!

2)  What are the Types of Ground Flax?

There are many types of ground flax: flaxseed meal, ground flaxseeds (sometimes found refrigerated, sometimes not), milled flaxseed, and even cold milled flaxseed (there may be more kinds!).

Here are the differences:

Flaxseed Meal -often used as a flour, so the Omega 3 oils are usually stripped out so that it won't go rancid (just like wheat germ is separated from the baking flour)Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread

Ground Flaxseed -This is flax that is ground using a method that heats the flax and the Omega 3 oils up.  This flax -whether it stored in the fridge or not, has already started to break down and go rancid once it was ground and exposed to heat.

Milled Flaxseed -This is usually just a fancy way to say ground flaxseed, see notes above.

Cold Milled Flaxseed -This is special flax! ...Just like Cold-Pressed Olive Oil is important because the Omega 3 is protected from being heated up.... so also, should flaxseed be protected when it is ground or milled flaxseed.

Cold Milling allows the flaxseed to be ground/milled in a way that never heats up the flaxseed.

3)  What is better: Ground Flax vs Flax Meal?

The differences between the 2 are that Ground flaxseed is the entire seed ground up.

Whereas, Flax meal has the Omega 3 essential oils taken out to help the flax meal last longer and have a more stable shelf life.  Basically, flax meal is a processed food with much less nutrition left. 

Why spend money on flax meal when you can get more nutrition and STILL cook with ground flax -but not just any ground flax!  (cold milled flax gives you the most nutrients!)

4)  What Kind of Flax should I buy?Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread

If you are buying any type of pre ground flaxseed (not whole seed) we ALWAYS recommend buying ONLY Cold Milled Flaxseed

-if it isn't cold milled, there is a good chance it is or will soon be rancid. And use your taste test (read more about the taste test here).

We are very partial to the extremely high quality Omega 3, gourmet cold milled golden flaxseed that we sell. It comes from a family farmer in North Dakota - it is NOT GMO, and no pesticides, herbicides, etc are used.

We strongly support buying from your farmers... so much food is being shipped across the oceans to save a couple $ -but is it really worth it?

Flax is an extremely economical way to get excellent nutrients: Omega 3, fiber, protein, lignans, vitamins + minerals -into your diet.

You can read lots more info on our newest page about ground flaxseed, here:  ground flaxseed.

What kinds of ground flaxseed have you tried?  We'd love to hear your ground  experiences!

Flax Recipe + New Information


Flax News, Guide to Ground Flax seeds, Flax Banana Bread

~Go to the Flax Banana Bread Recipe~

Who doesn't love freshly baked, moist, delicious Flaxseed Banana Bread?!

This Banana bread is high in Fiber and Omega 3, and it can be a healthy breakfast or a yummy snack!

Flax Banana Bread Recipe-

In a mixing bowl, combine:
1 -1/2 cup flour
1/2 c Flakes o' Gold or ground whole Flaxseed
1/2 tsp salt

Mix separately and Add:
1teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda

Cream Together:
1 cup sugar (3/4 cup if you prefer less sweet)
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

Beat into creamed mixture:
2 eggs
3 very ripe mashed bananas

1/4 cup walnuts (optional)
1/2 cup chocolate chips (optional)
or 1/2 cup craisins (optional)
1/2 C- Flakes o' Gold or ground whole Flaxseed

Read for the directions to the Flax Banana Bread Recipe.

Click here to get the best Flax for the Flax Banana Bread

Check out some of the popular information on GotFlax.com:

Daily Recommended Amount of Flaxseed?

What is the daily recommended amount of flaxseed for adults and children? ...Shirley 

*****This is a common question I get and it will be different for adults and children as well as those who may have IBS, Chron's, etc.... Read the rest of the answer to Daily Recommended Amount of Flaxseed

 ~Read other Q&As or ask your own~

Need NEW Ideas of HOW to EAT FLAX?
 Flax seed, Flax news, Flax for the Heart, Flax granola bars 

THANK YOU for reading this newsletter!
We journey together with the goal of
Healthy Eating and Living.

Have a Flax-A-LiciouS Day!

GotFlax.com, Flax seed, Flax news, Flax for the Heart, Flax granola bars





About Ellie

Got FlaxEllie Theobald is passionate about wellness and prevention.  She believes that good health begins with healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices. Through education she promotes and advocates for eating flax ~an incredible seed with many health benefits!  Sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription to her newsletter -The Grain- promoting Healthy Eating for Healthy Living at www.GotFlax.com.

Our Best Selling Product

Try the Cold Milled Ground Flax Seed:
P. S. Save on your Food Budget -add Healthy Whole Grains: Flax + Barley to your diet! We have Great Savings for your healthy eating Goals!
The coupon above is SPECIAL for You, my eNews subscribers! Good thru May 31, 2012.

Learn More about Flax

To Read Newsletters from the past, Click here: Grain News, Flax News.

P. S. S. If a friend forwarded this newsletter to you, Sign up to for the FR*EE Newsletter -The Grain eNewsWe'd love to hear from you :)

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