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Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for Constipation

In This Edition, ellies whole grains, Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for Constipation

  • Easter Savings 
  • Feature Article: 
    • Keep your Pet Healthy- 6 Flax seed Benefits for Your Pet 
  • Monthy Flax Recipe: Flax Bread

A Note from Ellie

Got Flax, Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for ConstipationHappy Easter! Happy Spring!

I have been getting outside doing the Spring cleanup!  I can't wait to see leaves on the trees, but I have seen some tulips and daffodils starting to pop up while the snow finishes melting.

Soon the wonderful Farmer's Markets will be here!

What is on your to-do list this Spring?

How are you enjoying this Spring 2011? Are you ready for farmer’s markets and fresh local foods and vegetables? I know I am!, ellies whole grains, Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for Constipation

Feature Article: Many pet owners ask if flax would also benefit their pet.

The fact is all pets -dogs, cats, horses, etc- can have impressive benefits from the added Omega 3. 

Scroll down to the Feature article and read the 6 ways your pet can benefit from flax.
Feature Recipe: Flax Bread with Photos!

Flax bread recipe is another delicious and healthy recipe I have developed to help you on your journey to healthy living!   I would love your feedback.

Thank you for your support!  Eat Healthy to Live healthy!

Blessings on you!

Ellie Recommends

~Spring Savings!~

Flax has incredible health benefits for impressive value!
$10 off your order of $65 or more
 When ordering, use Code: EASTER

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy, Save Money and feel better!

Our website has Secure Online Ordering- Questions? -just email or call me.

Coupons are good until May 31, 2011.

Come to a Farmer's Market or Show...

Farmers Markets + Other Shows:
  • Do you live in Downtown Minneapolis by the Guthrie? Come to the Mill City Farmers Market  March 14, 2011 and following Saturdays 8am-1pm. More info about Mill City Farmers Market (opens up in new window)
  • Maple Grove Farmers Market June 9 and Thursdays 3-6pm. More info + directions (Opens up in new window).

  • Shoreview Farmers Market June 14 and every Tuesday 3-7pm in the Shoreview Community Center on Hwy 96. Directions to Shoreview Farmers Market (opens up in new window)

Feature Article

Keep your Pet Healthy: 6 Flax seed Benefits for Your Pet

by Ellie Theobald

Our pets deserve the best. This includes good nutrition.

Essential Omega 3 oil helps the body heal and maintain itself - the only way to get Omega 3 is through eating the right foods -pets, just like us, can't produce Omega 3.

Many pets are not getting quality Omega 3, even though we are spending more money on buying top quality pet food.

The problem is:

Much of pet food has had much of the Omega 3 nutrients stripped from it because Omega 3 goes rancid quickly, so pet food companies remove Omega 3 so pet food can be stored longer.

However, this leaves our pets vulnerable to an unhealthy balance of Omega 3:Omega 6 –this is very damaging to their body.

An excellent way to help your pet get a healthy Omega 3 balance of nutrition is to add Ground Cold Milled Flaxseed to their regular pet, ellies whole grains, Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for Constipation

6 remarkable benefits for your pet from eating flaxseed every day:

1.     A Coat with a beautiful glossy sheen

Not only will your pet have a glossy coat, but the Flaxseed Omega 3 will heal and soothe dry and irritated skin.

Omega 3 from flax seed helps heal and soothe dry and irritated skin by giving the pet the nutrients it needs to help the animal’s coat and skin. 

Many sheep, horse and dog breeders add flax seed to their animal’s food because it so beneficial for the skin and the Omega 3 gives their animals a shinier coat.

Research confirms that deposits of Omega 3 essential fatty acids left on the animal’s coat surface are essential for healthy, shiny coats.

Veterinarians agree that pets that don't have enough Omega 3 essential fatty acids will eventually have health problems including dry, itchy skin and dull or shedding coat.

 2.     Build their immune system + help fight infections

Flax seed Omega 3 oil along with antioxidant lignans help build and support an active and strong immune system for our pets.

Flax seed has also been studied for it's anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Because of this, Flaxseed can help fight infections.

 3.     Help improve bone strength

As a great source of amino acids and highly digestible proteins, ground flax seed will also help pets to stay healthy and strong.

 4.     Helps your pet during growth + development

Flax helps growth and development for many reasons, including being a great source of minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus and Potassium and vitamins: B6, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin and Vitamin E.

 5.     Prevent constipation + Protect your pet’s digestive system

Ground flaxseed has both insoluble and soluble fiber, which work gently and help heal the intestinal tract.

Prevention of constipation is very important and it additionally protects the digestive system of our pets. 

6.     Prevent + treat inflammatory conditions, including arthritis

Flax seed omega 3 and lignans are also beneficial for treating, arthritic pain, chronic inflammatory disorders, and inflammation.

Our pets have many of the same nutritional needs that we have, including needing Omega 3.

Omega 3 essential oil needed for healing and maintaining of cells.

Keep Your Pet Healthy And Happy!

Flax seed is a perfect way to get Omega 3 along with other excellent nutrition into their diet.  Be sure it is quality cold milled flax (or grind it yourself)!

Try adding flax to your pet's food for 1 month and see what benefits you notice. 

Remember, good nutrition can help our pets heal their bodies. 

Your pet will thank you! :)

Success Story

"Improved Health + Skin"

"Dear Ellie, Thank you for the order and I would like to say that using this flaxseed has changed my life by making my body feel so different that even though I'm 48, I feel like I'm 30 years old.

I now rarely use headache pills and hand lotion. My job usually makes my hands dry out, but using the flaxseed makes my skin so soft.

My body feels so much better than it ever has. Thank you for the product. -Joseph K.

 ~Read other Flax seed Reviews + Flax seed Testimonials~

Flax Recipe + New Information

Flax Bread - Homemade Bread Recipe

~ with PHOTOS!

Flax Bread, Homemade Bread Recipe, How to make bread, Flax bread recipe ~Click here for this Flax Bread - Homemade Bread Recipe~

Flax Bread Recipe is your visual guide- how to make bread! My secret recipe that is EASY + delicious homemade bread recipe for FLAX BREAD has PHOTOS!

To Make the Dough:
Mix together:
2 cups lukewarm water
1-2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons butter
Add to the mixture:
2 eggs

Then mix in:
3/4 cup Flakes o' Gold or ground whole Flaxseed
3 1/2 to 5 cups -add only 1 cup of flour at a time

Read for the directions to the
 Flax Bread Recipe.

Preheat oven to 325°F.
Click here for the rest of the Flax Bread Recipe

Click here for the best Flaxseed for Flax Bread - Homemade Bread Recipe   

Check out some of the new information on

Constipation and Flaxseed Meal: Can it help?

Constipation and Flaxseed Meal –Can I get relief from Flaxseed for constipation? ...Could I take flaxseed for constipation?  

*****You are not alone. Many people struggle with constipation. ...We should be eating 25-35g of fiber a day, most people are eating ~11g of fiber a day -Less Than HALF the amount the body needs! ...If you eat ~1/4 cup of ground flax/day, you will see noticeable results the next day. This is why we recommend flax for constipation....

  ~Read the rest of the answer to Flax for Constipation

 ~Read other Q&As or ask your own~

Need NEW Ideas of HOW to EAT FLAX? Click Here for some Great Tips + Ideas of how to eat flax, ellies whole grains, Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for Constipation 

THANK YOU for reading this newsletter!
We journey together with the goal of
Healthy Eating and Living.

Have a Flax-A-LiciouS Day!

Flax seed, Flax Bread Recipe, Healthy Pet Tips, Flax for Constipation,

About Ellie

Got FlaxEllie Theobald is passionate about wellness and prevention, and she believes that good health begins with eating healthy and making healthy lifestyle choices. Through education she promotes and advocates for eating flax ~an economical, incredible seed with many health benefits!  Sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription to her newsletter The Grain promoting Healthy Eating for Healthy Living at

To Read Newsletters from the past, Click here: Grain News, Flax News.

P. S. Now is a great time to save on your Food Budget and add Healthy Whole Grains ~Flax + Barley~ to your diet! We have Great Savings for You and Your healthy eating Goals!
-The coupons above are SPECIAL for You, my newsletter subscribers! ~Good thru May 31, 2011.

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Ellie's Whole Grains
Minneapolis, MN 55421
651-633-4066 or 1-866-918-FLAX

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