Keep your Pet Healthy: 6 Flax seed Benefits for Your Pet
by Ellie Theobald
Our pets deserve the best. This includes good nutrition.
Essential Omega 3 oil helps the body heal and maintain itself - the only way to get Omega 3 is through eating the right foods -pets, just like us, can't produce Omega 3.
Many pets are not getting quality Omega 3, even though we are spending more money on buying top quality pet food.
The problem is:
Much of pet food has had much of the Omega 3 nutrients stripped from it because Omega 3 goes rancid quickly, so pet food companies remove Omega 3 so pet food can be stored longer.
However, this leaves our pets vulnerable to an unhealthy balance of Omega 3:Omega 6 –this is very damaging to their body.
An excellent way to help your pet get a healthy Omega 3 balance of nutrition is to add Ground Cold Milled Flaxseed to their regular pet food.
6 remarkable benefits for your pet from eating flaxseed every day:
1. A Coat with a beautiful glossy sheen
Not only will your pet have a glossy coat, but the Flaxseed Omega 3 will heal and soothe dry and irritated skin.
Omega 3 from flax seed helps heal and soothe dry and irritated skin by giving the pet the nutrients it needs to help the animal’s coat and skin.
Many sheep, horse and dog breeders add flax seed to their animal’s food because it so beneficial for the skin and the Omega 3 gives their animals a shinier coat.
Research confirms that deposits of Omega 3 essential fatty acids left on the animal’s coat surface are essential for healthy, shiny coats.
Veterinarians agree that pets that don't have enough Omega 3 essential fatty acids will eventually have health problems including dry, itchy skin and dull or shedding coat.
2. Build their immune system + help fight infections
Flax seed Omega 3 oil along with antioxidant lignans help build and support an active and strong immune system for our pets.
Flax seed has also been studied for it's anticancer, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
Because of this, Flaxseed can help fight infections.
3. Help improve bone strength
As a great source of amino acids and highly digestible proteins, ground flax seed will also help pets to stay healthy and strong.
4. Helps your pet during growth + development
Flax helps growth and development for many reasons, including being a great source of minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus and Potassium and vitamins: B6, Folic Acid, Niacin, Riboflavin and Vitamin E.
5. Prevent constipation + Protect your pet’s digestive system
Ground flaxseed has both insoluble and soluble fiber, which work gently and help heal the intestinal tract.
Prevention of constipation is very important and it additionally protects the digestive system of our pets.
6. Prevent + treat inflammatory conditions, including arthritis
Flax seed omega 3 and lignans are also beneficial for treating, arthritic pain, chronic inflammatory disorders, and inflammation.
Our pets have many of the same nutritional needs that we have, including needing Omega 3.
Omega 3 essential oil needed for healing and maintaining of cells.
Keep Your Pet Healthy And Happy!
Flax seed is a perfect way to get Omega 3 along with other excellent nutrition into their diet. Be sure it is quality cold milled flax (or grind it yourself)!
Try adding flax to your pet's food for 1 month and see what benefits you notice.
Remember, good nutrition can help our pets heal their bodies.
Your pet will thank you! :)