Constipation and Flaxseed Meal –Can I get relief from Flaxseed for constipation? -I have been having problems pooping. I need relief from constipation and flaxseed meal was recommended as something I should try.
I took a suppository and pooped. Then I took one the next day nothing. Now it's been 3 days and I'm worried I can't get a doctors appointment for a week.
Could I take flaxseed for constipation?
You are not alone. Many people struggle with constipation.
It is a concern that it has been 3 days and that you have been using suppositories with no results; however, there are some people who have had constipation for much longer -so, it is likely not life threatening at this point...
...and yet, it is very important to realize that while suppositories and laxatives do work for the short term, laxatives are not the best long term solutions for constipation.
The reason is that suppositories and laxatives are not fixing the root of the problem.
Suppositories and laxatives are hard on the body and the body can start needing them more and more in order to work properly and to even have any bowel movements.
Our motivation on this site is to look at solutions that are long term lifestyle changes in the way we eat and natural ways that help our bodies work they way they were made to work --all while being kind to our budgets!
The best solution we have ever found is flaxseed for constipation.
There are many reasons that people struggle with constipation.
Some of these are: the food we eat, not enough fiber, not drinking enough water/fluids, not enough activity, medications and supplements, chronic illnesses, etc...
Some of these are white flours, white sugars, white rice, etc. Some people are sensitive to gluten. Genetically modified foods may have consequences we don't know about.
Also, most of our food is so processed, cooked and packaged --much of the fiber and nutrients have been taken out to help make foods able to be stored much longer.
If you are eating more of these types of foods, then you will continue to struggle with constipation.
Another problem is that many people in developed countries do not eat near enough the amount of fiber that their body needs to function properly and clean our the toxins, cholesterol, waste, and things that our body needs to get rid of.
We should be eating 25-35g of fiber a day, most people are eating ~11g of fiber a day -Less Than HALF the amount the body needs!
It is easy to see why our colon and intestinal problems are increasing.
We can't change our body; however, we can learn to work with it. The best place to start is to look at what you are eating and how much water/fluids you are drinking.
Yes, flax fiber is a very complementary and economical addition to a balanced diet that will easily allow you to begin changing the damaging constipation cycle of your body.
However, this process will take time.
When you heal your body with food, it takes longer than taking a pill or some other quick fix, but it is a real fix -not a temporary one...
...that is -if you maintain the change and keep eating healthy and taking care of your body!
If you eat ~1/4 cup of ground flax/day, you will see noticeable results the next day. This is why we recommend flax for constipation.
You also need to drink enough fluids.
I know a lot of people who don't like to drink water... so, I suggest that they find ways to help the water taste better without drinking way too much pop, sugary juice and other unhealthy drinks.
Ideas are:
1) add a 100% juice option like frozen juices to water, but water it down more and more as you get used to less sugar.
2) drink cold teas in addition to hot tea... you can take your favorite hot tea and cool it off and drink it all day long -green teas are delicious and healthy!
3) squeeze your own orange juice/grapefruit juice and mix with water.
One of the best suggestions I can give you if you have difficulty drinking enough water is to buy a nalgene water jug or some type of water container (even a Britta pitcher will work).
Determine how many of them you should drink in a day... and that will give you a visual reminder!
You really do want to drink ~8-10 glasses of water/fluids a day. Especially before or after you eat flax.
Usually I find that when I eat/drink flax, I get very thirsty within a half hour after, especially if I haven't drank any water lately.
This is not a quick fix --although you WILL notice a difference the next 1-2 days after eating a 1/4 cup of ground flaxseed daily.
We strongly encourage people to make this a start to their healthy lifestyle changes!
Quick fixes don't last long and often lead to a cycle of endless quick fixes -which are what suppositories and laxatives can be. Quick fixes are discouraging and de-motivating!
I don't think there is a problem with them -as long as you limit them and use them judiciously.
Constipation can become so bad that it can cause an obstruction of stool, which can require surgery.
Constipation is usually preventable with drinking enough fluids, exercise, natural supplements and a good diet. Flax fiber can help prevent and combat constipation, as well as soothing and healing the intenstinal system.
You will feel better, I guarantee it! How? Because I have tested it and so have many people that I talk with who have also made changes!
You can change this cycle of your body!
And to make this small change... do something today!
I believe that you can make a huge difference in your health!
Eat healthy and be active.
Good, healthy food, including quality golden flaxseed, is the best medicine.
Comments for Constipation and Flaxseed Meal: Can it help? Flax for Constipation
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